ALD Connect

Structured Community Call: Mental Health

Please join us for a topic-based Community Call focused on mental health, facilitated by Jesse Torrey, LAC. This month's call will be focused on "The Power of Community". The call … Continued

Community Call: Symptomatic Women

Please join us for a community call on Monday, September 23rd at 7 PM EDT for symptomatic women with ALD facilitated by Janis Sherwood and Kathleen O'Sullivan-Fortin. Please reach out … Continued

llamada comunitaria en español

¡Únase a nosotros para una llamada comunitaria ALD en español! Esta convocatoria es un proyecto conjunto entre la Fundación Lautaro te Necesita y ALD Connect y será facilitada por Verónica … Continued

Community Call: AMN Men

Please join us for a community call facilitated by Ken Dieffenbach and Tim Mathwig on Tuesday, September 24th at 7 PM EDT for AMN men. You can register for the … Continued