ALD Connect

Community Call: Symptomatic Women

Please join us for a community call on Monday, August 26th at 7 PM EDT for symptomatic women with ALD facilitated by Janis Sherwood and Kathleen O'Sullivan-Fortin. Please reach out … Continued

Community Call: AMN Men

Please join us for a community call facilitated by Ken Dieffenbach and Tim Mathwig on Tuesday, August 27th at 7 PM EDT for AMN men. You can register using the … Continued

Community Call: Connecting Communities

Please join us for a 90-minute Community Call co-hosted by ALD Connect (US-based) and Alex TLC (UK-based) on Sunday, September 8th at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4 Time)/ 3pm British … Continued

ALD Genetics 101 Webinar

Join us for a webinar titled "ALD Genetics 101", which will serve as both a refresher on basic ALD genetics and delve into more complex genetic topics. This webinar will … Continued