ALD Connect

Community Call: AMN Men

Please join us for a community call facilitated by Ken Dieffenbach and Tim Mathwig on Tuesday, January 28th at 7 PM EST for AMN men. You can register using the following link: *Please note this call is for men with AMN. If you are a caregiver who wants to support a son or partner … Continued

Community Call: Newborn Screening, Young Families, Parents of Asymptomatic Children

Please join us for a community call facilitated by Kathleen O'Sullivan-Fortin and Christie Higuera on Wednesday, January 29th at 7:30 PM EST for Newborn Screening, Young Families, and Parents of Asymptomatic Children. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions. You can register for the call using the following link: *Please note this call is … Continued

Structured Community Call: Mental Health

Please join us for a topic-based Community Call focused on mental health, facilitated by Jesse Torrey, LAC and Emma Hayes. This month's call will be focused on "Do you want me to push you?". The call will be held on Thursday, January 30th at 7pm EST. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions. … Continued

ULF Webinar – Family Planning as a Carrier

The following is a description of a webinar being hosted by the United Leukodystrophy Foundation: Join us for an insightful webinar, “Family Planning as a Carrier,” hosted by Julie Cohen, ScM, CGC from Kennedy Krieger Institute. This webinar will offer valuable information and a supportive space for carriers and their families to learn, ask questions, … Continued

llamada comunitaria en español

¡Únase a nosotros para una llamada comunitaria ALD en español! Esta convocatoria es un proyecto conjunto entre la Fundación Lautaro te Necesita y ALD Connect y será facilitada por Verónica de Pablo y Jean Cappello. La convocatoria se realizará el 11 de febrero a las 4pm EST (hora UTC-5) / 18 hs de Argentina. Regístrese … Continued

Community Call: Connecting Communities

Please join us for a 90-minute Community Call co-hosted by ALD Connect (US-based) and Alex TLC (UK-based) on Sunday, February 23rd at 10am Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5 Time)/ 3pm Greenwich Mean Time. Everyone in the ALD community is welcome to join. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions. Please register using the following … Continued