ALD Connect

ALD Connect Annual Meeting & Patient Learning Academy 2021

View video recordings from the 2021 ALD Connect Annual Meeting & Patient Learning Academy.

ALD Connect Annual Meeting 2021

Welcome: Updates on ALD and AMN
Dr. Stephan Kemp

Consensus on Clinical Care Guidelines
Dr. Marc Engelen

HSCT in Adulthood Leukodystrophies
Dr. Wolfgang Koehler

Human Brain Organoids for ALD
Roberto Montoro, Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Moderator: Dr. Stephan Kemp

From Recipient to Donor, Musings on the Brain
Dr. Troy Lund

Characterizing the First Mouse Model for Inflammatory Demyelinating Brain Lesions in X-linked ALD
Dr. Ezzat Hashemi
Moderator: Dr. Keith Van Haren

Patient Panel

Using Neural Networks to Predict AMN Disease Trajectory
Dr. Bela Turk

Industry Panel

ALD Connect Awards

Patient Learning Academy 2021

PLA Welcome (Kathleen O’Sullivan-Fortin)

Gene Therapy Panel

Assessing Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) in Adrenoleukodystrophy (Dr. Lotfi Merabet and Melissa Bambery)

Primary Adrenal Insufficiency in ALD (Dr. Nicholas Tritos and Dr. Molly Regelmann)

Pain, Discomfort, and Sensory Changes in ALD (Dr. Florian Eichler and Kathleen O'Sullivan-Fortin)

Navigating the Financial Aspects of ALD

ALD 2021: Closing Remarks (Dr. Florian Eichler and Kathleen O'Sullivan-Fortin)